Monday, May 2, 2011

Wet on Wet Technique

Hi Deborah A. Weaver here from The Painting Lady 1 Art Studio!!  As some of you already know I am an Alexander Art Certified Teacher with the Alexander Art Company, you know the the "Fire It In Artist on PBS TV!  I am sure you have all watched Bill Alexander at one time or another working on a painting and telling you to "Fire It In!"  When Bill would start a painting he would use one of his products called Magic White and cover the canvas with the painting product, which allows the artist to work wet-on -wet and also to mix the paints right on the canvas!  The artist would have a beautiful soft painting when they finished, plus if the artist wanted to make changes a bit later on, he/she could do so because the cavas would still be wet it enough to rework and make corrections!  This is the basic wet-on-wet oil painting technique that I teach at my art studio. What you may or may not know is that Alexander Art also carries another product called Magic Clear, which is exactly that a clear wet medium that you put on the canvas, just like the Magic White, but with Magic Clear, the artist has to mix their own colors on their palette, also the Magic Clear keeps the color truer and sharper!  Which is what I just Love about using the Magic Clear!  I almost always use The Magic Clear in all of my paintings and all of my painting workshops!  I feel that this encourages my art students to be more adventuresome with their colors and their subject ! So if you want to try the Alexander Art Wet On Wet Oil Painting Technique,  I recomend you go to The Alexander Art Site, take a look around,  I know they carry the Paints, Brushes, Art supplies and I believe they also now DVD's of Bill Alexander and his painting shows on PBS for you to watch and learn how to paint The Alexander Way!  So Take  look and as Bill used to Go Ahead and "Fire It In!!!

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